Carrots are one of the most beneficial root vegetables. They are a good source of vitamins, minerals (mostly potassium), antioxidants and fibre. Carrots can be consumed raw or combined with other types of food.
Carrots aid in digestion, reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease and improve eyesight. While eating carrots raw is the most common way to consume it, you’re better off cooking the vegetable. This way, it releases more nutrients and which are easily assimilated into the body.
Apples are one of the most fibre which offers a lot of health benefits to the body.
They also contain antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that reduce the risk of developing diseases like cancer, diabetes and promote heart health.
The presence of a high amount of fibre in apples promotes digestion and prevents stomach disorders.
Banana is an edible fruit packed with a lot of nutrients. Ripe banana is a rich source of fibre, however, unripe banana offers something even more. Unripe banana contains a significant amount of resistant starch that is indigestible in the gut and functions like fibre.
Apart from dietary fibre, banana is a rich source of nutrients like potassium, manganese, magnesium, folate, protein, and vitamins, which numerous health benefits for the body.
Sweet potatoes are one of the best options for high-quality fibre. They contain more fibre and natural sugars than regular potatoes. They also offer fewer calories which makes them a great food for weight loss.
The fibre in sweet potatoes helps prevent constipation and aid in other digestion processes.
Sweet potato is also a source of many other beneficial nutrients like calcium, iron, selenium, vitamins, and antioxidants.
Oats are a cheap and simple way to boost your fibre intake.
Whether you choose the quick-cooking variety, rolled oats or steel cut, they make a satisfying breakfast, they’re economical and are 100 percent whole grain.
Avocados are rich in fibre content. It’s indigestible plant matter can contribute to weight loss, reduce blood sugar and is strongly linked to a lower risk of many diseases. Avocados do not contain any cholesterol or sodium and are low in saturated fat. They also contain more fibre than many options on our list. Avocado is often referred to as a superfood due to its health properties.

Avocados can be consumed raw or combined with other foods.
If you thus need to increase your fibre intake, it is a good idea to do so gradually.